Friday, July 4, 2008

Week 10

Lets start here which to this point i have lost 10 kg and reached a couple of milestones along the way. The first milestone was my first 5 kg. the next was 10% which i reached along with the 2nd 5kg lost which also put me into the 80's. I don't recall being in the 80's since the last time i was on the ww plan, which was about 4 years ago.

A little about me. I am a lifetime member at weight watchers which i achieved some 24 years ago. My goal weight then was 58kg. OMG i remember being there ONCE in my life. !!! I don't think i stayed there very long because at that age i was too busy out partying and living life to the max. After several more attempts over the years i have lost weight and put it back on with weight watchers, jenny Craig, light & easy, herbalife, celebrity slim etc. I have tried it all. I have had many success's and many failures but through it all i keep coming back to weight watchers.

Weight watchers is by far the best eating plan . Its normal every day food which you have to prepare, shop, buy and cook for yourself and along the way you learn a lot about whats nutritious and what is a total waste of points. Value for money is what i am looking for and also what i can get the most out of for example. 5 rye cruskits = 3 ww cruskits (1 point) ( hmm now which would i prefer) I am also looking for ways to make my 'free' points go further IE. making yummy vegetable soup for '0' points leaving me plenty for lets say yummy piece of toast to go with my soup. I do now walk around constantly with a bottle of water glued to my hand. This hasn't been easy for me because i was never a big drinker of any kind. I find now that i am lost without my bottle of water. Its a great way to keep hydrated as well. Its very good for keeping things all regular as well, which i have had severe trouble with even though i ate heaps of fresh vegetable and lots of wholegrain breads etc.

I am not a huge sweet eater nor do i drink lots. Unfortunately my problem is Butter & fresh bread. I just cant say 'NO' to either. This has been made worse by me making my own bread & smelling it cooking every day hot and fresh was a huge downfall of mine. I have learnt to overcome this by treating myself to only '1' slice if i have been really really good. I now stick to the program pretty much perfect. Don't get me wrong, i eat heaps and lots and lots of variety and i don't go without a thing. I plan for everything IE. nights out, football, going away, visitors, celebrations etc even unexpected events.

I am very fortunate in my journey as my family and friends are very supportive. My daughter is extremely good & congratulates me all the time for little achievements. DD might suggest subway for lunch and i might say ' no I'll have a salad on a plate when i get home because i don't want to waste the points of a roll' but I'm happy to get you subway. DD might be having fish & chips for tea, she would ask what i wanted. I would say either 'no thanks' or 'can you please get a piece of grilled fish' & i will make up a salad at home. i know sometimes this isn't always possible but i have learnt the hard way. This time i am determined to get the weight off and keep it disposed of permanently!!!!! Of course i need help !!! Its a huge task losing weight and a slow process removing it. I need to do this for my health and happiness. I do have a few medical issues now that are rearing their head so i need to get my weight issues under control which in turn should fix some of these problems. I have been labelled 'obese' by several people, a title which i really don't like but i have done nothing about. I have now decided to do something about this and feel the only way to keep on track is to create a blog so i can be accountable for the things that i am doing. Here's hoping i chat to many people on my way that have been there and done that or that are on the same journey that i am.

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