Sunday, November 18, 2012

Oakes Day 2012

This is my daughter Krystal with one of her Besties Rose BEFORE they left for the oakes racing carnival. There is no chance of an after photo!!!!
Mc Happy Day 2012
Zoey 18 months being cheeky as usual
Ayden 4 yo riding his bike at our caravan
Heath 4 yo just being Heath not allowing Nanna to take his photo. Because i've been way to busy to keep this blog up to date, i'll try to bring it up to date with some pictures of our adventures with a few words explaining what they are. I will try to keep on top of things from now on.
Having fun at the Cobram Show
Loaded up leaving the show. Grandkids had a ball.
Remembering Mum on her birthday with some very special girlfriends and my beautiful daughter
Trio of dips, persian feta, scones jam and cream. Delightful!!