Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Monday Weigh In Week 17 & Star Challenge Week 7

Had a great week this week. Stuck with the program and the Star Challenge of dairy.
My loss this week was small only 300 grams but still its in the right direction. I do seem to have a few problems with carbohydrates. (They dont seem to like me very much ie. pasta, rice, bread etc) I have to be very diligent and watch these and increase my protein. I am working on it. No the TWINS havent arrived as yet, we are all still waiting - not too patiently now.!!!
I had a fantastic day on Saturday 23rd August - we had our old Primary School Centenary and met up with quite a few of my old classmates from way back when. OMG it was a funny seeing how they have changed. Also ran into one of our old Sunday School Teachers which was quite good & caught up with everything they have all been doing over the past 40 years or so. Really doesnt seem that long ago. Actually, couldnt possibly be. Arrrgggghhhh I'm NOT that old really !!!!! LOL Still managed to stick to the program which was a bit difficult since there was NO real food available nor any choices. We all went back to the local bowling club and there they put on chicken and corn soup & a bread roll. Nothing too fancy or flash that was it. I however only had 1 southern and coke and then drank water - for which i am very proud of myself as all the others had quite a few. LOL. Sunday was another good day. Went to visit Mum and try to sort out her water leaking problem - still not working properly but getting there. My Kangaroos got done by 5 goals against an inform Geelong side but they still did very well indeed, so i was happy with their result. Monday was spent shopping for the week and writing menus etc. The housework has been kept up to date & everything kept organised. Its now only a waiting game.
Until next week.
Stay safe.

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