Sunday, June 26, 2011

Sorry its been so long

Where does one restart when lifes journeys are all over the place.

I'll start from today!

Up at 5.00am, just could't sleep, starting watching my favourite cooking shows (as i get no time now with the twins who are nearly 3 years old - more on them later) Good Chef Bad Chef. It wasn't long before i had company and 2 little boys asking so nicely for Dora. That was the end of the cooking shows. After a back scratch & tummy rub they settled down for their morning Dora feast.
I took the opportunity to phone the hospital to check on my mother who has been in hospital for the past 4 weeks with gall stones which they have operated on but because of her age (85) there have been a few difficulties. This morning she wasn't feeling very well and in a lot of pain so i will make her some home cooked goodies and try to boost her spirits with those when i visit later today.

Meanwhile my DD, SIL & 5 week old baby woke up and the house was alive with chatter, breakfasts, washing, folding, tidying and plans for the day.

This is as far as we have got so i'll get back and add to this post later today.

1 comment:

Joolz said...

Hi Sue

Thank you for visiting my blog and 'delurking' yourself! I have posted that Cannelloni recipe so I hope you like it.
Wow, your life must be busy with your dear little grand kids. Do you have a partner?

I look forward to aquainting myself with you,

PS How's the WW going?

Cheers - Joolz