Monday, September 15, 2008

Monday 15th September 2008

Well a great week has been had by all. Heath and Ayden are both cruising along nicely and both gaining weight as they should. If only i was losing the same amount they are gaining !!! I'd be one happy Nana. LOL. Fortunately they are extremely good babies and pretty much sleep and eat. I don't hear them through the night, which is excellent because i am getting my sleep without interruption. I am available throughout the day to help my DD whenever she needs it, which is pretty much never. DD has adjusted to motherhood like a duck to water. She is simply fantastic and taking it all in her stride. Very relaxed about everything, which is making for a very stress free house. Everyone is happy which is fantastic considering there are 2 newborn/prem babies in the house. Abbey the chihuahua is adjusting nicely as well.
On the weight loss things have been a bit out of sorts but trying to stay within my points. I think i went over them a couple of times during this past week which will probably show on the scales tonight. :( We have had quite a few visitors dropping in to see the babies and there has been numerous coffees and cakes/biscuits etc bought into our home which would not normally be here. This will all stop eventually and we can all be back on track. Its the temptation that i removed when i first went on my weight loss journey. I guess these obstacles are put in our way to see if we can move on past them. Some i can and some i cant. I am getting better though.
Well that is all for now until i weigh in tonight and report back.

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